Thursday, May 24, 2012

This is a test post, please ignore my craziness

So this is just a test post for all you visitors out there. You can check out my other posts on how and where you can get FREE 3DS GAMES.

lesson of the day:

a pie must be there on the second tuesday of the chinese new year      

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

FREE 3DS GAMES!! whats stopping you?

So I've always wondered why people look at titles like the one for this post, and think its an outright scam? Of course, the internet is full of scams, and yeah people would get scared away because of that fact. But the thing you really should be doing is research, research, and more research. Looking into things will always benefit you, and its always better than listen to others who tell you things that theyve heard from other people. You shouldnt even really listen to me, and instead do some research on Points2Shop, which is where I make money AND get my FREE 3DS GAMES. You wanna see if Points2Shop is worth it? Check it out HERE

Monday, February 20, 2012

Points2Shop for FREE 3DS GAMES!!!

Well the quest for FREE 3DS GAMES continues, but its been very slow going. In the last post I had mentioned that you can make money from P2S, well because of that, I've been more busy making money rather than gaining points. The best part is that I've been able to make a part time income from this, and buying 3DS GAMES is a lot easier than waiting for points to rack up. So really, I have been able to buy GAMES FOR FREE by making money on autopilot! I really havent put any effort into it at all, I simply posted this video on youtube...

and since then, my points2shop referrals shot up to over 1200 people! it was amazing seeing that many referrals and money coming in consistently.

Maybe it was luck, but getting free things on the net does not seem as hard anymore...

Give points2shop a try

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week #1, 655 points in counting!

Hello one and all,

Just thought I'd do an update for you on my status with Points2shop. My first week, I have managed to rack up 655 points, and it should be going up to 755 any moment from a survey I just did recently.

This is great news for me, as it means I am that much closer to redeeming a free Nintendo 3DS game from, Whoo!

A great tip to Points2Shop, you can earn cash from the site that gets deposited straight to your paypal account when withdrawn! I will be making a new video on youtube in the coming days to show how this can be done, so keep checking in to find out when its posted.

And check out Points2shop HERE

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The quest for FREE NINTENDO 3DS GAMES!!!

Hello again one and all!

As promised, here's the first video tutorial I have done for Points2Shop. It shows you where to sign up (although its pretty obvious ;)) how to gain points, and how to shop. Its all in good fun, so dont worry too much about it.

The video can be found HERE

So just to give you a little more info on Points2Shop, its a great site where you earn points ( or in some cases, cash) to put towards great items, and specifically in this bloggers case, 3DS games. P2S works with to provide all the prizes that you can get, and working with a major trust worthy site like Amazon means that they are totally, 100% trust worthy. So go ahead, give it a shot, and you'll be making points in no time to get great items, all for FREE!!!


did I mention items are FREE

Friday, April 1, 2011

Free Nintendo 3DS Games? I say YES!!!

Hello one and all!

I am marioman, and I love my video games. Recently, I purchased the brand spanking new Nintendo 3DS, and I absolutely love it!

I'm going to let you in on a little secret... You can actually get games, or even the 3DS for FREE. Yeah, you heard me right.

So how do you go about doing it, you ask? Well just click on the link HERE , which will bring you to a wonderful site where you can indeed get games and more, all for FREE!!!

Sounds too good to be true, check out the web forum for the site right HERE for proof from other members that have gotten many great items.

I have a little video tutorial on youtube, which I will post in the next update, which shows you how to sign up and earn points or cash to get great FREE prizes!

Thanks for stopping by, and keep checking back for more great tips and trick to get FREE NINTENDO 3DS SYSTEMS AND GAMES!