Monday, February 20, 2012

Points2Shop for FREE 3DS GAMES!!!

Well the quest for FREE 3DS GAMES continues, but its been very slow going. In the last post I had mentioned that you can make money from P2S, well because of that, I've been more busy making money rather than gaining points. The best part is that I've been able to make a part time income from this, and buying 3DS GAMES is a lot easier than waiting for points to rack up. So really, I have been able to buy GAMES FOR FREE by making money on autopilot! I really havent put any effort into it at all, I simply posted this video on youtube...

and since then, my points2shop referrals shot up to over 1200 people! it was amazing seeing that many referrals and money coming in consistently.

Maybe it was luck, but getting free things on the net does not seem as hard anymore...

Give points2shop a try

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